How To Know If You’re Thinking For Yourself

Did you choose to get Duncan Donuts coffee or were you subliminally influenced by an advertisement?

People have been shaping how you live and the decisions you make for as long as you’ve existed. That’s part of living in a society. Our culture, beliefs, and values shape our conscious and sub-conscious decisions for the rest of our lives.

Lessons You Learn From Playing Sports (at any age)

Growing up as a kid playing basketball, I certainly wasn’t thinking about the life lessons I would learn when the coaches son got more playing time than me.

15 years later, I was working on a $20 million construction project where the General Contractor was being managed by the founder of the company’s (novice) son. The connection couldn’t have been more obvious.

In certain situations, it doesn’t matter how much better you are or how hard you work if you’re competing against your bosses family. In these situations, if you’re looking to get ahead then it’s better to cut your losses and find a new team (or company).

I had already learned this lesson 15 years earlier playing high school basketball.

Is EQ a Real Thing? Emotional Intelligence Explained: IQ vs. EQ

Intellectual intelligence is measured by IQ. You’ve probably heard people refer to this as being “book smart”.

But often those who are book smart may lack emotional intelligence. high IQ thinkers are usually very logically driven. But being logically driven can block out emotional empathy.

This is where EQ or emotional intelligence comes in.